Financial Assistance
RRH Financial Assistance Policy Summary
The Russell Regional Hospital and Russell Health Clinic Financial Assistance Program exists to provide eligible patients partially or fully discounted emergent or medically-necessary hospital care.
Patients seeking Financial Assistance must apply for the program, which is summarized below.
Eligible Services - Emergent and/or medically necessary healthcare services provided by Russell Regional Hospital and Russell Health Clinic.
Eligible Patients - The Financial Assistance Policy applies to all patients regardless of sex, age, race, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation. Patients receiving eligible services can apply for financial assistance.
How to Apply - Financial Assistance Application may be obtained/completed/submitted as follows:
Download a PDF by clicking the button below.
Obtain an application at Russell Regional Hospital's front desk or by requesting one from the financial counselor at Russell Regional Hospital.
Request to have an application mailed to you by calling 785-483-3131 and speaking to the Business Office.
Request an application by mail at Russell Regional Hospital, Attn: Financial Counselor, 200 S. Main St., Russell, KS 67665
The Financial Assistance Application Includes the Following:
Listing of everyone residing in your household and each person’s monthly income.
Listing of monthly expenses.
Place of employment and current wage information.
Banking information such as Checking and Savings Accounts and their current balances.
Listing of current debts and their current balances such as credit cards and loans.
Listing of all assets.
Required Documents to Include with the Financial Assistance Application
(Failure to provide proper and complete documentation will delay your application being processed)
Listing of everyone residing in your household and each person’s monthly income.
Listing of monthly expenses.
Place of employment and current wage information.
Banking information such as Checking and Savings Accounts and their current balances.
Listing of current debts and their current balances such as credit cards and loans.
Listing of all assets.
Determination of Financial Assistance Eligibility
Generally, patients are eligible for financial assistance based on their total household income, expenses, and asset information. Patients, with no insurance, will not be charged more for emergency or other medically necessary care than those patients who have insurance. Patients who do not have insurance, but it appears they may qualify for Medicaid, must apply for coverage and receive a written denial from Medicaid prior to having their financial assistance application processed.
A copy of Russell Regional Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy can be requested by calling the Business Office at
785-483-3131 or by requesting one in writing at the address stated above.
Please contact the Business Office at the number above with any questions.